Part 24: Sacred Phase 3-4
Sacred Phase 3-4
Ok I'm done training the latest batch of recruits. Time to hit Freya up for more loot.

Long time no see baby.

Nice to see the war is going in our favor.

Sounds good, let's see how the troops are doing:

Old whatsherface from the intro is still pining away for Valkyrie.

I refuse to make a lesbian joke here on the grounds of it being way to easy.
Nanami has been up to her own adventures...

Ok, this has to be the least heroic thing I have ever seen. Oh good job with the cleaning there babe. Now get Odin a drink and then we can find some laundry for you to fold.
What takes the cake though is Jun being hit on by Eir:

Jun is made so uncomfortable it actually lowers his hero value.
Now to hit Freya up for more

We'll make some fun new toys with this stuff.

Odin's got my back too. The Extra Holy Grail is nice, as well as the spells/skills.

Yeah, we'll use Kashell for this one. I trained him up a few levels and left his points unused just for this occasion. NowIi can give him the skills he needs and send him up at the start of chapter 4.

Yay, onto chapter four and all the insanity + stupid good gear that comes with it. Seriously, by the end of chapter 4 I will be crushing anything I come up against, including everything in the Cave of Oblivion. Good times.